Virtualization is relatively new in the general scheme of technology, but it has exploded out of it’s infancy and in recent years has become the very cornerstone on which businesses operate.
By helping businesses to virtualise, Managed IT Solutions have been able to cut operating costs by 50%, whilst also reducing a company’s carbon footprint and increasing productivity. Virtualisation also goes hand-in-hand with other services such as Business Continuity and IT Compliance.
The stark reality is that good IT infrastructure is integral to a business. It must be designed for streamlined data management, tightly tuned and managed in the cloud. If your in-house IT team are spending time chasing their tails managing your business’s IT, they won’t be spending enough time on driving the business forward.

The benefits of ‘going virtual’ can be far reaching and extremely effective:
• Effective in cost cutting
• Improving customer service
• Demonstrable returns on IT investment
• Higher visibility of management
• Compliance with legislation
• Data management, including data backup and business continuity
• Consolidating complex IT systems
• Risk control and security
• More efficient storage systems
We makes the perfect server virtualization supporting the most popular hypervisors.
We provides a platform for virtualizing critical applications without concern for performance, reliability, or scalability.
Application Integrity: True end to end data integrity through the use of the most robust and fault tolerant file system on the market today along with copy on write and checksum ensures highest level of reliability and data integrity.
Manageability: Unified storage presentation allows to provide both file and block presentation to the hypervisor of your choice.
Scalability: Easily scale performance seperate from capacity through the use of a hybrid filesystem approach, giving seperate read and write caching capabilities.
Business Continuity: Integrated solutions for replication between disparate locations as well as unlimited on and off site snapshots and clones.
Lower Total Cost of Ownership: Utilizing the same commodity hardware as the hyperviosr in many cases results in lower cost, along with a filesystem designed to utilize high cost for high performance and low cost for large capacity.