Our Services

Right out of the box, everything you need for your business


  • Managed IT Services

    We do the monitoring service first. This will build up an understanding of your business work flow and current IT systems so we can work with you to improve performance and your business growing.
  • Cloud Services

    Following analysis of your business needs, we will research and formulate the optimal cloud solution that will deliver you with a high level of security and quality of service.
  • Virtualization Services

    It no longer makes sense for a business to use multiple servers - they consume space, energy, and underutilize their processing abilities. We provide a simple solution to streamline your IT infrastructure by providing server virtualization - or in other terms, converting one physical server into multiple virtual machines.
  • Business Continuity

    we transmit data across numerous platforms and operating systems – physical, virtual, and cloud – with disaster recovery and data protection safeguards to make sure your business runs without any delays on a day to day basis.
  • IT Consulting

    In order to better understand your needs, we begin by evaluating the work flow of your business and the state of your current IT systems.  Based upon our assessments,  we will work with you to create a design portfolio that will improve business performance and productivity.
  • Email Protection

    Spam Protection blocks the delivery of e-mail to our Internet customers from known unsolicited e-mail sources.
  • Help Desk Support

    We are readily available 24/7 for any of your technical questions or difficulties. nothing is too small or irrelevant, and we will be happy to assist you either remotely or on-site, whether you require us weekends or after hours.
  • Backup Replication

    Our Backup & Replication safeguards data of SMBs and Enterprises in various industries. The product is also used as SaaS by Cloud Providers.
  • Networking Services

    our experts will custom design and install networks that adapt to your business.
  • Vendor Management

    Think of the productivity you will gain on an organisation-wide level by allowing us to be your single point of contact for all of your technology vendors.
  • Microsoft Office 365

    Microsoft Office 365 lets you use familiar Microsoft Office desktop applications on the move when connected to the internet on a wide range of devices.
  • Google Business Solutions

    Professional email, online storage, shared calendars, video meetings and more. Built for business, designed for teams.